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Gainesville, GA 30501
200 West Academy St.,
Gainesville, GA 30501

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Real Estate Social Media Mistakes to Avoid as Soon as Possible

Handling your website’s social media content can be both entertaining and frustrating and all shades of colors in between. Usually it’s really smooth sailing, but then there comes a time when you make a mistake that you can’t take back or repair as quickly as you want. When it comes to maintaining your image as well as your brand, mistakes should not happen. It might happen, but at least try to avoid it on your watch. Here are some social media mistakes that you want to avoid happening if possible.

Evade Personalization of the Brand

You are representing a brand (and a real estate website) and that means it’s geared towards creating content, showcasing your listings, attracting traffic and getting potential leads. creating content, showcasing your listings, attracting traffic and getting potential leads. Social media marketers frown on the idea of making your page an extension of your personality. That means avoid posting anything that might clash with other people (including your potential prospects) – this includes sensitive matters like, religion, race or political beliefs. Even certain events should be played at a minimum. Your brand can have personality and a voice, but just make sure your own personal thoughts and opinions about sensitive matters are not imposed upon others.

The Headache of Negative Engagement

The term “engagement” refer to the interaction between users and the post. This could be a Facebook “like”, a share or a thread of comments that stem from the post. Negative engagement however refers to any kind of argument or clash on social media. Most of the time the negative interaction leads to a lasting negative impact for the brand. We’ve all seen the horror stories on social media where somebody handling the Facebook fan page or Twitter page create a whirlwind of negative replies or comments to customers airing their views. Avoid this at all cost. Instead, be understanding of other’s posts, be respectful with responses and emphasize that disrespectful comments will be deleted and followers possibly blocked if harassment occurs. Your business page must be handled with integrity and professionalism.

Forgetting to Use Management Tools

Managing social media can be a difficult feat especially if you handle multiple accounts. You’ll find yourself swimming against a deluge of tasks and schedules that you need to deal with. Make your life easier and use at least one management tool to help you out. Management tools and software like Buffer and Hootsuite help speed things up for you so it’s important that you remember that these tools are your friends.

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